Littleton Ballet Academy
Pre-Ballet Holiday Show
Date: Saturday, December 7th, 2024
Time: Two shows 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm (We will make an official announcement with who is in what show during Thanksgiving week)
Place: Littleton Ballet Academy Studio 5 (we have tiered risers we pull out to make better seating)
Cost to participate: $25 per dancer
Tickets: Free but we will be doing a food drive and requesting canned goods if you’d like to donate
There will be a reception after each show
This is not mandatory but is a great opportunity to see your pre-ballet dancers in an informal performance! There will be a small reception after each show. No costumes will be worn for this show, but we do have fun-colored skirts that the girls will wear over their leotards. Boys will have red sashes to wear.
Please sign up on Family Portal if you are participating by Saturday, November 2nd
Click here to go to the Family Portal then go to Events.